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Showing 25 to 36 of 188 items

Friends is a set of Chinese graded readers for non-native...

CHF 13.10

This book is based on the authors’ experience of...

CHF 14.90

Great Expectations is hailed as Charles Dickens’ masterpiece. A gripping...

CHF 14.90

CHF 19.90

Sold Out

Great Expectations is hailed as Charles Dickens’ masterpiece. A gripping...

CHF 14.90

CHF 19.90


这是一套适合小学中低年级孩子阅读的全彩注音版世界经典名著。 该系列所选的世界文学名著篇目,精选适宜孩子阅读的精彩内容,内容跨越年代、种族和国界,包涵儿童成长、励志、探险等多个主题,以孩子的全身心发展为出发点,用浅显的文字、精彩的故事带领和引导孩子,让孩子的德育、美育、智育等各方面能得到平衡发展,为孩子的健康成长提供养料。 该系列注音标准严格参照第7版《现代汉语词典》,避免孩子自主拼读时错误读音先入为主,难以纠正,精心呵护每一个孩子的阅读童年。版式舒适护眼、清新简约,让孩子在快乐专注阅读的同时减轻用眼疲劳,保护视力。装帧设计精美大气,是适合个人收藏和馈赠亲友的佳品。

CHF 17.00

CHF 19.60


Chinese Course is a series of comprehensive Chinese learning materials...

CHF 16.90

Chinese Course is a series of comprehensive Chinese learning materials...

CHF 15.90

Chinese Course is a series of comprehensive Chinese learning materials...

CHF 15.40

Chinese Course is a series of comprehensive Chinese learning materials...

CHF 15.40

Chinese Course is a series of comprehensive Chinese learning materials...

CHF 14.90

Chinese Course is a series of comprehensive Chinese learning...

CHF 14.90

Long, long ago, there were ten suns in the...

CHF 9.90